
Management 3.0 Experience Workshop - The power of Storytelling

Wed, 29 May 2024 19:30 - 21:00 JST
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Storytelling can Transform your Approach to Complex Topics

Let’s talk about Agile Leadership, Worker Happiness and Change Management

Do you want to meet like-minded people from other organizations and discuss topics from areas, like Positive Psychology, Agile, Change Management or Well-being?
Then please join the Management 3.0 Dojo. It is an open space for all kinds of discussion, so please feel free to join like-minded people!
Those who have never taken Management 3.0 and those who want to know about Management 3.0 are welcome!

The topic of this event: Storytelling

This time we will talk about storytelling and how it can change your approach to solving complex problems or just training your storytelling muscles. We will use the Management 3.0 ImprovCards, to practice storytelling, which are nice for creating interesting stories in the group.
Storytelling helps you in many situations, for example explaining complex topics, convincing people, gathering new insights, creating new reflecting on past events and learning from it, triggering change or just having more interesting conversations. Therefore it is important to have good storytelling skills. And the more you practice it the better you skill grows.
In this session, you will learn a game, which is great for doing storytelling with your team, the Management 3.0 ImprovCards. It is great fun, very useful and you can use them in your own context tomorrow at work.


  • 19:30 - 19:40 Introduction and Icebreaker
  • 19:40 - 19:50 What is Management 3.0
  • 19:50 – 20:40 Storytelling Workshop
  • 20:40 – 21:00 QA and Closing

For Whom is this Event

  • Those who are interested in learning more about storytelling
  • Those who have taken Management 3.0 training in the past
  • Those who want to refresh their knowledge
  • Those who are interested in Management 3.0
  • Those who are facing a challenge and want to have feedback
  • Those who want to connect with change agents in Japan

Our Motivation

At NuWorks we value the relationships and connections we have with our ecosystem.

The event is not one-sided, but we aim to create a warm place where people can get to know each other.
We would be happy to welcome you and have a good time together.


Stefan Nüsperling (ステファン ニュースペリング )

Stefan is a trilingual (German, English, Japanese) IT Professional with over 10 years of experience in Project Leadership, Change Management, Facilitation and Management 3.0. He worked with multinational enterprises in the fields of Management as well as Agile Software Development in Japan, South Korea and Germany. As a certified Scrum Master, the first licensed Management 3.0 facilitator in Japan and a Co-Owner of Management 3.0 he is keen on introducing Agile Leadership practices to Japanese organizations and believes that it will make their employees happier, the businesses more effective and customers more satisfied which is called “Sanpoyoshi” (benefit for all three stakeholders).


瀧下 哲也

九州の企業でITエンジニアとして働きながら、スクラム開発を実践中。"良い関係性、良い組織が、良い製品づくりにつながる" と考え、Management3.0に積極的に取り組んでいます。将来の目標は、九州でManagement3.0の理念を広め、地域の企業や個人がもっと元気になることです。



NuWork G.K


国際Management 3.0 Website

Management 3.0の考案者のJurgen Appeloのウェブサイト

Jurgen Appeloの最新の本

Managing for Happiness at




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Management 3.0 by NüWorks (Agile Leadership Practices, Change and Innovation Management)

Management 3.0 by NüWorks (Agile Leadership Practices, Change and Innovation Management)

"The research is clear: happy workers are more productive workers.“ says the founder of Management 3.0, Jurgen Appelo. Management 3.0 is a revolution in modern management, currently happening in 2...

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