
5-day Management 3.0 Foundation Online Workshop (Agile Leadership, Change & Innovation Management) in English

Tue, 08 Apr 2025 18:15 - Tue, 06 May 2025 21:15 JST
Online Link visible to participants
There is room for 9 more people
Early Bird (limited for 3 tickets) ¥149,000 prepaid Closed
Regular Ticket ¥159,000 prepaid
Registration closes
06 Apr 18:15
Pair Ticket ¥286,000 prepaid
Registration closes
06 Apr 18:15
Group Ticket (3 people) ¥405,000 prepaid
Registration closes
06 Apr 18:15


5 Days Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop in English

Improve your Approach to Leadership

  • You have realized that there is not enough motivation from your employees.
  • You are sure that there is untapped human potential.
  • You are missing enough global leadership capability in your team.
  • You want to be proactive about this current situation.
  • You want to change management how it should be…

Management 3.0 is the future of management.

It follows the systems thinking movement that 95 percent of the performance of an organization is the result of the whole system, not the individual. Management 3.0 examines how to analyze that system to come up with the right solutions for better leadership across organizations.


Course Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop
Language English
Target Leaders, Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, Human Resources, Upper-level and Middle Management, Project Managers, Product Owners, Team Leaders, People Development, People Management
Place Online (Zoom, Miro)
Date (JST) 4/8 (Tue) 18:15-21:15
4/15 (Tue) 18:15-21:15
4/22 (Tue) 18:15-21:15
4/29 (Tue) 18:15-21:15
5/6 (Tue) 18:15-21:15
Event Fee General: ¥159,000
Early Bird: ¥149,000
Pair Ticket: ¥286,000
Group Ticket (3 people): ¥405,000
Payment Credit Card via Doorkeeper or Bank Transfer (Contact)

This two-day, hands-on workshop offers best practices, tools and games which you can take back and use immediately to improve your:

  • Agile Leadership
  • Project Management
  • Motivation
  • Performance Management
  • Team Collaboration
  • Worker Empowerment
  • Self-Organization
  • Organizational Hierarchy and Network
  • Delegation
  • Employment Engagement
  • Competency Development
  • Change Management
  • Organizational Transformation
  • Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation

Past Attendee Feedback

What makes this Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop so special is that it’s based on the principles of Management 3.0, a workshop concept proven for many years with more than 70,000 certified attendees worldwide.

“We could learn from the experience of many organizations. The discussions were open and the comparison of culture (Europe vs US vs Japan) was great. Also the learning atmosphere was great.” (COO)

“Very good explanations and very structured. Flipcharts helped to document the important results.” (Executive Assistant)

“My team will be using the Moving Motivators exercise, a problem wall and a happiness index. The biggest takeaway was to try many different things, tweak, and try more.” (Project Manager)

Is Management 3.0 right for you?

  • Yes, if you have realized that highly motivated people are the most important asset.
  • Yes, if you recognize the need of modern global leadership for Japanese companies.
  • Yes, if you have understood that you need to optimize the whole team or organization.

Who usually attends this Workshop?

Management 3.0 is for anyone with leadership potential. This course aims at managers, leaders as well as team members who want to learn about how to contribute to become a great organisation. In other words, everyone who wants to manage for happiness.

Professionals who often attend the training are:

  • Upper-level and Middle Management
  • Scrum Masters and Agile coaches
  • Project Managers and Project Owners
  • Team Leaders
  • Human Resources
  • Any leadership role

What will you achieve by completing this workshop?

Management 3.0 is a very practical methodology. In this workshop, you will try out many different management tools, games, and exercises. And this public training will also involve a lot of open discussion and problem-solving among the participants which will lead to peer-learning.

You will study and experience:

  • How to motivate your workers
  • How to change the mindset of managers
  • How to get teams to take ownership of work
  • How you can improve teamwork and team collaboration
  • How you can be agile (even when the organization is not)
  • How to make the whole organization more agile
  • How to build trust between management and teams
  • How to develop individual competencies
  • How to develop purpose and value inside an organization
  • How to change the organization’s culture
  • How to be a leader with a global mindset

Certification, License and PMI-PDU/-ACP

At the end of the workshop, you will receive a Certificate of Attendance. This qualifies you to become a Licensed Management 3.0 facilitator yourself. (You also have to pay a yearly fee, read more about the license fee and how to how to become a Management 3.0 licensed facilitator at the official Management 3.0 website)
Furthermore 16 PMI-PDU/-ACP credits are applicable.

Workshop overview

The workshop introduces Management 3.0 as a mindset for fostering happy, energetic high-performing teams.

Through active learning, participants explore core concepts, tools, and practices of Management 3.0. Games and exercises help them apply these methods to achieve team and organizational goals while promoting well-being.

Session 1: Basics of Management 3.0 & Motivation

Management 3.0 Basics
  • Management and Leadership is one of the two building blocks of Management 3.0. You will learn about the different Management styles, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 and their contextual fit.
  • Motivation and Engagement is where you make sure team members are engaged, motivated and happy. You will learn about the difference between extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation, the ten intrinsic desires and common techniques for understanding what is important for your team members.

Session 2: Complexity and Systems Thinking

  • Complexity Thinking is the other building block of Management 3.0. Why do we need a new approach to management and leadership. You will learn about complexity theory and the eight guidelines to deal with complexity.

Session 3: Empower Teams and Align the Constraints

Empower Teams
  • Delegation and Empowerment is the key to self-organisation. You will learn how to distribute authorization in an organisation with the seven levels of delegation and implement them with the delegation board.
  • Only through common Values & Culture can you make self-organisation work. You will learn how to give people a clear purpose, set a goal, and align the constraints by helping your team discover their values and make them live instead of just decorating them on the wall.

Session 4: Organisational Structure and Scaling

  • To scale an organization in an agile way it is important to consider structures that enhance communication. You will learn how to grow an organisational structure as a fractal and to balance specialization versus generalization, when to choose between functional versus cross-functional teams and about treat teams as value units in a value network.

Session 5: Kaizen

  • Development of competencies in the team is important in order to deal with today's fast-changing world. You will learn about skill levels and techniques to encourage and organize competence development by using the Competence Development Matrix.
  • Change Management is about organisational development and how you can support change initiatives. Learn why people resist change and strategies to overcome it, explore adaptive versus transformational organizations, and experience tools like the Change Management Game and Celebration Grid. Empower yourself to lead successful change initiatives while fostering a culture of experimentation and learning.

◆ Each session (except the first) begins with a retrospective where participants reflect on their experiences applying Management 3.0 in their work environment.

Retrospective: Approximately 2–3 weeks after the final session, experiences will be shared online.

What should you bring to the workshop?

  • An open mind
  • Ready to have lots of fun learning
  • While a lot of our attendees come with an Agile background, this is not necessary

Join the Management 3.0 Movement Now

To foster collaboration beyond the workshop you get access to the Management 3.0 community in Japan (e.g. Offline Gatherings, Facebook & Slack groups)


About the Facilitator

Stefan Nüsperling

Stefan is an IT professional with more than 10 years of experience in Project Leadership, Change Management, Facilitation, and Management 3.0. He worked with multinational enterprises in the fields of Management and Agile Software Development in Japan, South Korea, and Germany. As a certified Scrum Master, the first licensed Management 3.0 facilitator in Japan and the only licensed Lean Change Management Facilitator, he is keen on bringing positive change to Japanese organizations. He believes that employee happiness and meaningful businesses will result in service and products that customers will be satisfied with. This is called "Sanpoyoshi“, meaning benefit for all three stakeholders.


  • Tax included
  • Minimum number of participants: 4 people
  • 15% Group Discount (3 people or more)
  • Up to 50% Discount for Low-Income Groups (e.g. students)
  • A minimum of 3 participants are required for a workshop to proceed.
  • Refund Policy:
    • Until 6 weeks before the event = 100%
    • Until 4 weeks before the event = 50%
    • Until 2 weeks before the event = 25%

Please contact the organizer for discount prices.

We can also run this workshop in-house at your company.







Official Management 3.0 website:

Website of Jurgen Appelo, the founder of Management 3.0:

The latest book by Jurgen Appelo

Managing for Happiness at

About this community

Management 3.0 by NüWorks (Agile Leadership Practices, Change and Innovation Management)

Management 3.0 by NüWorks (Agile Leadership Practices, Change and Innovation Management)

"The research is clear: happy workers are more productive workers.“ says the founder of Management 3.0, Jurgen Appelo. Management 3.0 is a revolution in modern management, currently happening in 2...

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